my first successful attempt at deep sky astrophotography. still light years to go. the Orion Nebula(M42) is the nearest star-forming region to the earth at a mere 1300 light years(approx.) located in the ‘sword’ of the Orion constellation(pic 2). astrophotographers are an obsessed lot spending nights of efforts for photographing something which eventually often looks like a hazy white patch in some noisy black photograph. 200mm f/5.6 lens, Nikon D90, Astrotrac, stack of 5 shots of various exposures, totalling around 7-8 minutes. Nuh, Haryana. Pic 2 - Crop from 18mm f/4.
shot in various places in India and Italy. the last one is on the way from Ajanta to Mumbai. Me and Gopi were driving back when we saw him walking along the highway. we asked him whether he wanted a lift. he was happy and sang bhajans till he got off after about a hundred kilometers.
won 1st prize in the Urban category at the Digital Camera magazine’s Photographer of the Year contest 2008. over 1.2 lakh entries were received in various categories, out of which 30 were awarded prizes. you can see the winners here.
a campaign for the DNA newspaper in Mumbai promoting people’s participation in social causes. both outdoor and press. the last one was an outdoor at the mahim crossing in Mumbai, which is perpetually jammed. we had some hard hitting lines on some strong issues, but the client thought they would be ‘controversial’. we had to stick to the noncontroversial issues. still a pretty good campaign as it probably did some good. 2006. Rediffusion DYR, Mumbai. other credits: Hemant Anant Jain, Nikhil Ketkar.